( Whenever you wish to go to
pay a pilgrimage to the Imam’s
holy shrine, perform the major
ritual ablution ,saying meanwhile:)
O Allah , purify me, and purify my heart , and open my breast for me ( to be able to perceive the Imam’s divine dignity well) and make Thy commendation and Thy affection and Thy laudation flow out from my tongue, for surely there is no power save in Thee. And I verily know that submitting myself to Thy command , and following the practice of Thy prophet ,and testifying (to this belief) before whole Thy creatures are the substructures of my faith
O Allah , render it ( -- purification through the major ablution ) healing and light for me .Verily Thou art omnipotent over all things.
( Then wear your neatest garment ,
and walk towards the Holy Shrine
barefooted , observing tranquility
and dignity, remembering Allah at your
heart, magnifying Him, proclaiming His
Oneness , glorifying Him, and praising
Him (-- Uttering the formulas :
Walk taking short steps, and while
entering the Shrine say :)
In the name of Allah , and by Allah , and in accordance with the nation of the messenger of Allah (may Allah bestow blessing upon him and his progeny ) . I Testify that there is no god but Allah . He is alone .No partner hath He. And I testify that Muhammad is His servant and His messenger , and ( I testify ) that, Ali is the devoted friend of Allah.
( Then walk forward and stand at his
grave in the opposite direction of the
Qiblah facing to it , and say : )
I testify that there is no god save Allah ,no partner hath He. And I testify that Muhammad Is His servant and His messenger and that he is the master of the first and the last and (I testify) that he is the master of prophets and apostles .
O Allah bestow blessing on Muhammad , Thy servant and Thy messenger and Thy prophet ,
and the master of whole Thy creation -- a blessing which none but Thee can reckon.
O Allah bestow blessing on the Commander of the faithful – Ali son of Abi-Talib, Thy servant
and the brother of Thy Messenger whom Thou selected on accordance with Thy knowledge and
appointed as a guide for whomever Thou willed among Thy creatures and as an exponent to the
one whom Thou deputed to proclaim Thy message, and the reckoner of the Faith in accordance
with Thy Justice , and the sound judgment in Thy arbitration among Thy creatures, and the predominant one over all of these affairs and peace be upon him and Allah’s mercy and His bounties .
O Allah bestow blessing on Fatimah the daughter of Thy prophet and the wife of Thy
Devoted Friend and the mother of the two offsprings -Hassan and Hossein (who are) the two masters of youth of the Paradise--the chaste , pure, purified, pious, innocent , and sanctified lady ,the chief of the whole women of the Paradise -- a blessing which none but Thee can reckon.
O Allah bestow blessing on Hassan and Hossein ,The two offsprings of Thy prophet , and
the two masters of youth of the people of the Paradise, the two upholders among Thy creatures and the two exponents leading to the one whom Thou deputed in fulfillment of Thy message, and the two reckoners of the Faith in accordance with Thy justice , and the two sound judgments in Thy arbitration among Thy creatures .
O Allah bestow blessing on Ali son of Hossein, Thy servant , the upholder among Thy creatures and the exponent leading to the one whom Thou deputed to proclaim Thy message, and the reckoner of the Faith in accordance with Thy justice and the sound judgment in Thy arbitration among Thy creatures --the Master of the worshipper.
O Allah bestow blessing on Muhammad son of Ali(Thy servant and Thy caliph on the earth) -- the Splitter of knowledge of prophets.
O Allah bestow blessing on Ja’far son of Muhammad al- Sadiq , Thy servant and the patron
of Thy religion and Thy proof unto whole Thy creatures ,the truthful and the benefactor one.
O Allah bestow blessing on Musa son of Ja’far ,Thy virtuous servant ,and Thy tongue among Thy creatures speaking with Thy supreme wisdom and the proof unto Thy created beings.
O Allah bestow blessing on Ali son of Musa –al-Reza ,(who is ) Thy approved one and Thy servant , and the patron of Thy religion upholding Thy justice and the summoner to Thy religion and the religion of his trustful ancestors -- a blessing which none but Thee can reckon .
O Allah bestow blessing on Muhammad son of Ali , Thy servant and Thy devoted friend , the upholder one in accordance with Thy command and the summoner to Thy way.
O Allah bestow blessing on Ali son of Muhammad , Thy servant and the patron of Thy religion.
O Allah bestow blessing on Hassan son of Ali ,the agent acting in accordance with Thy command , the upholder among Thy creatures ,and Thy proof fulfilling on behalf of Thy prophet, and Thy witness unto Thy creatures, the designated one for Thy high honor, the summoner to Thine obedience and the obedience of Thy messenger, may Thy blessing be upon all of them.
O Allah bestow blessing on Thy proof and Thy devoted friend , the upholder among Thy creatures -- a perfect , ever increasing and everlasting blessing with which (Thou may) hasten his glad advent , and with which (Thou may ) assist him to acquire victory , and do associate us with him in this world and in the Hereafter.
O Allah I seek proximity to Thee by means of their love and I befriend their friends and bear hostility to their enemies . Therefore, for their sake, grant me with bounties of the world and bounties of the Hereafter ,and on their account, turn away from me the evil of this world and the Hereafter and the horrors of the Day of Resurrection.
( Then sit beside the upper part of
the grave and utter the following :
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